Med Fun:
So far, I've found out that Acebutolol will slow down my marathon heart rate, but will also lower my blood pressure to the point where I can't lift my head. Cool party trick.
I've learned that too much Florinef will give me the headache from hell and raise my blood pressure sky high, but just a bit is a miracle worker.
My blood pressure crashed after taking Midodrine, and the head scratching made me look like a crack addict.
I've moved on to Zoloft (a pediatric amount), and so far no craziness, chest pain, or faster than normal heart rate (PLEASE DON'T LET WRITING THIS JINX THIS!!!).
Also Potassium supplements, ThermoTabs, and salt, salt and more salt. I have a salt shaker in my purse at all times. I would definitely win at any of those parties where you play the "What random things are in your purse" game.
Where do I put all of this medication?
My Mary Poppins Medicine Bag
Remember in the movie when Mary Poppins took a lamp and a full-length mirror out of her purse. It's exactly like that, but filled with never-ending meds and a blood pressure machine.
Other amazing things:
Curly fries from Jack in the Box
Salt from the Great Salt Lake
Grape Pedialyte
Lemon Lime G2
#1 Husband
90 second whole wheat rice
Cuddly dogs
Carla Bruni and Kings of Convenience